Costa Rica Palmichal La Cuesta

Farm Coffee

La Cuesta Farm is located in the sub-region of La Cuesta in the Tarrazu Region. The farm was planted by Gabriel’s uncle 25 years ago. After the farm was sold to Chichi Navarro, Gabriel bought it back about 8 years ago. The name of the farm was given due to its location at La Cuesta. This coffee has been processed at Palmichal Micro-Mill ( for the past tree years and the cup is remarkably consistent year after year. After pulping the coffee 80% of the mucilage remained in the bean during drying. The coffee was dried in cement patios for 6 days, then drying was finalised in a drum drier for better uniformity in humidity levels. After the coffee rested in parchment for two months it was dry milling and sorted by weight, density, size and colour.

Country: Costa Rica
Region: Tarrazu
Farm: La Cuesta
Farm Size: 45 ha
Altitude: 1.450 masl
Owner: Gabriel Gamboa Nunez
See fact sheet


This coffee has a citric acidity, a strong, smooth body and flavors of citric fruits and baker’s chocolate. It has the essence of a Costa Rican profile, but also has some added complexity given by the Red Honey Process.

Baker's Chocolate Citric Fruits
Variety: Caturra
Processing: dried, pulped, red honey processed
Body: Smooth, Strong
Acidity: Citric
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