Malawi Pamwamba


The Pamwamba Malawi coffee is from the Southern Thyolo district of Malawi, which was first planted out in 1979. The altitude varies between 920 and 1.100 m. The terrain is rolling valleys, with steepish slopes and patches of indigenous forest retained, between the fields of coffee. The soils are a mixture of dolerite clay and alluvial soils and very fertile. The local cooperative has a rotational programme that uproots and re-plants each field every seven to eight years, which means that they are always harvesting from young coffee, which is largely disease free.

Land: Malawi
Region: Southern Thyolo District
Höhenlage: 920 - 1.100 masl
Kooperative: Pamwamba
See fact sheet


This coffee has a juicy body, an unobtrusive acidity and flavors of stone fruits.

Variety: Catimor, SL28
Processing: Gewaschen, Hand-gepflückt
Body: Saftig
Acidity: Unobtrusive