Brazil – Fazenda Irmãs Pereira

Antônio Andrade Pereira Filho and Maria da Conceição Costa Pereira decided to invest on coffee growing in Carmo de Minas in early 70’s. They bought 90 acres of land and started to plant the first seedlings. At almost the same time that these trees grew, the two daughters of the couple were born: Maria Valéria and Maria Rogéria. The sisters started helping the father to run the farm at early age. When they got married, their husbands came to join forces on their wives common mission. When the father died, the sisters decided not to split, but to make their union even stronger. Therefore, they changed the name of the farm from Serrado to Irmãs Pereira (Pereira Sisters, in English) to seal the spirit of sisterhood and to avoid misundestandings with the Cerrado region, also a coffee producing area in Minas Gerais state with Geographical Indication of Origin.

Maria Rogéria Pereira: “Our greatest pride our union as sisters and our main challenge is to keep our pioneering spirit up to date. This is what makes our coffee stand out in the market. This is what makes the difference. If we stay on the edge of innovations we’ll always be a step ahead and and in a strong position”.

Carmo de Minas
Fazenda Irmãs Pereira
Maria Valéria & Maria Rogéria Pereira
Farm Size
120 ha with coffee plants
1.200-1.400 masl.
Yellow Icatu, Yellow Catuaí, Red Catucaí, Acaiá, Mundo Novo and Yellow Bourbon.
Round, Full
Wood, Red Fruits