The Mierisch family has been farming coffee in Nicaragua for over 100 years. They spend their days in the high mountains of Nicaragua ’s Matagalpa and Jinotega regions. As a family-run operation, they have produced high quality shade-grown coffee on both sides of their families. Two family stories, that end in coffee farming. Long story short, in the early 1900’s Bruno Mierisch worked with his son Wilfrido on the coffee farms. Then Wilfrido worked with his boys on the coffee farms, and today his boys work with their sons and daughters on the coffee farms. San Jose one of the nicest farms, which is located in the department of Jinotega, with sandy loam soils with PH ranging from 6-6.8 and with average productivity of 50 qq per hectare. This is one of the farms of easy management, due to its productivity it is well desired for the collection of the fruit, since every year arrive the same people who have helped us in the harvest for a long time, which facilitates us in maintaining the consistency of quality from the cut.