Kenya Baragwi Muchagara – AA

Cooperative Coffee, Microlot

The Baragwi FCS is the biggest society in Kenya. Today, they operate 12 washing stations and have over 15,000 members. Having implemented all the same processing methods on all the factories enables them to produce excellent quality. All the factories are equipped with tiles on the washing channels. Moreover, they are replacing the wooden drying tables with more efficient metal ones.

Muchagara Factory is named after one of the villages in Kirinyaga County.
The factory was opened for processing in 1959 making it the oldest wet processing centre in Kirinyaga. The area is very fertile for agricultural production and therefore making the factory very viable to be built in that location. The peaks of snow-capped Mt. Kenya are very visible and give good scenery for tourists.

Country: Kenya
Region: Kirinyaga
Altitude: 1.700-1.800 masl
Washing Station: Muchagara Factory
Cooperative: Baragwi Farmers Co-operative Society
See fact sheet


This coffee has a creamy, smooth body, an intense acidity with a high sweetness and aromas of chocolate, plum and berries.


Berry Chocolate Plum
Variety: Ruiru 11, SL 28, SL 34
Processing: Fully Washed
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