El Arroyon was founded in November 2003, starting with four producers, nowadays they have a total of 30 producers half of them are women. They are all located in San Martin 2 hours away from Jaltenango. Their primarily income is coffee. El Arroyon Coffee shares the same mountain where Huehuetenango coffee is planted. It’s called La Sierra Mariscal and belongs to the municipality of La Concordia, Chiapas. All coffee is planted in the shade with native vegetation such as Oyamel and others, surrounded by volcanic soils and plenty of natural water springs. All these elements combined create the perfect microclimate to produce specialty coffee. The flora and fauna living amongst the coffee plantations are so divers that it is quite normal to see wild animals cruising through the coffee plantations such as whitetail deer, boars, and many others. All the communities such as San Martin and all the surrounding ones are indigenous people: their ethnics are mainly Katchikeles and Mochos. All coffees are sundried and depulped by each producer; they produce an average of 10 to 12 Quintals per hectare. All the producers from this region are active in the program of ECC por más café Bloom, renovating all their hectares to be able of producing better quality and more volume.
Coffee fact sheet

Mexico Maragogype
Farm CoffeeThis coffee has a lively acidity with a medium sweetness in the background. Notes primarily of nuts and apricot. The body is clean and silky.
Variety: | Maragogype |
Processing: | sun-dried, washed |