Colombia Rio Negro

Red Bourbon is a natural mutation of Arabica that emerged on the island of Bourbon in the early 18th century. This variety thrives in high-altitude regions with moderate climates, typically between 1,200 and 2,000 meters above sea level. It prefers volcanic soil and requires careful attention to ripeness during harvesting, as the quality of the beans is heavily dependent on proper picking.

DETAILED PROCESS: Ripe cherries are carefully selected. All unripe and unfilled cherries are removed in an initial floating stage. Cherries are disinfected to eliminate all unwanted bacteria, dirt, stems and leaves.

FERMENTATION PROCESS: Cherries are packed into bags to begin a fermentation during 48 hours. Once the first fermentation is complete, depulp the coffee and continue with 48 hours of controlled fermentation in tanks abd add fruit mosto and yeast to the coffee. During fermentation, they control the temperature and measure pH, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), and EC (Electrical Conductivity). After completing the 48 hours of fermentation in tanks and reducing the pH to 3.4, proceed to washed the beans.

DRYING: Finally sun drying between 6 to 8 days. Once the coffee reaches a moisture content between 10.5 and 11, pack it in bags to stabilize the profile.

Country: Colombia
Region: Bruselas, Huila
Farm: Rio Negro Farm
Altitude: 1.200 and 2.000 masl.
See fact sheet


cereal Milk Chocolate Nut
Variety: Red Bourbon
Processing: Fully Washed, sun-dried
Grade: Excelso EP
Body: Full, Round, Velvety
Acidity: Bright