Wih Ilang village is located at the south area and around 15 km from the center of Takengon city, with an altitude of 1600- 1700masl and an average temperature of 15-20 degree Celsius, which is part of the Pegasing District area. In Pegasing District, 95 percent of the population are coffee farmers, which makes coffee is the main income for the people in Wih Ilang area.
Furthermore, 2022 data shows that Pegasing District have 4,136 hectares of coffee plantations spread across 31 villages that inhabit the Pegasing District area. Wih Ilang area have a population of approximately 20 thousand people. This village occupies the second largest plantation in Pegasing District, which have 681 hectares of coffee farms and makes it the second largest supplier of 16.45% of the total coffee plantation in Pegasing District with an average production of 800 kg of green beans per year.
Taste and aroma are two most important things in the world of coffee. Reflecting on this, Wih Ilang have its own uniqueness for the Gayo coffee sector. Located at such higher altitude, the soil in Wih Ilang ranges between 6 to 7pH, which makes coffee plants in the Wih Ilang area grow fertile and perfect, with a unique distinctive taste and aroma. Treatment patterns from farmers also affects the taste of Arabica coffee in the Wih Ilang area. The farming community in this area take care of their coffee entirely. Traditional patterns also passed down from generation to generation are still maintained, especially in terms of post-planting land management to stem care until harvest. The better the way a coffee is processed, the better the results will be.