Colombia Huila – Pitalito

Regional Coffee

Located at the Laboyos valley at the south of Colombia, Pitalito is the second largest city of the Huila department. This region is the biggest coffee producer of the Huila, with a 15% coffee production share of the department. Just the city has an altitude of 1345 masl, and at the outsides of Pitalito you can find coffee farms at 1800 masl. In this area is where SKN has more presence working with thousands of producers in different programs. As a long-term partnership with these farmers, we have achieved to increase their coffee productivity from 20 bags to 25 bags per hectare. Nowadays, we are collaborating with the farmers on upgrading their coffee quality and farm practices, so they can get access to better prices and improve their livelihoods. This region is internationally known by their top coffee quality. Most of the farmers preferred the Caturra variety over the Castillo, giving more consistency on the cup profile of the region. The great coffee culture of the farmers mixed with a high altitude, perfect climate, single variety, and a long-term collaboration with SKN, creates one of the best coffees we can offer to our clients.

Country: Colombia
Region: Pitalito, Huila
Farm: 4.845 members
Farm Size: 2,2 ha in average
Altitude: 1345-1800 masl.
See fact sheet


A coffee with a lively acidity, balanced sweetness, round an smooth body, flavors of red fruits.

Red Fruits
Variety: Caturra
Processing: Fully Washed, sun-dried
Grade: Excelso
Body: Round
Acidity: Lively, Medium Sweetness