Papua New Guinea Kimel Estate

Farm Coffee

Kimel plantation was first established in 1974 by an Australian, Bobby Gibbs. It is now owned by traditional landowners, the Opais being the main tribe. Although locally owned, the plantation is managed by expatriate personnel, appointed by the local directors with extensive experience in plantation management. The plantation has a permanent workforce of 432 and they are housed on the estate in bush housing. The estate also provides schooling for the children and medical facilities for the workforce and their dependents. Clean running water has been made available to the estate workers by way of a community project financed by one of their overseas clients, and its implementation is overseen by the estate’s management. Since the estate is located along the Kimel River, from which it derived its name, it has access to good, clean water for the processing of its crop, which is a prerequisite along with sound husbandry and dedicated management to continually create quality coffees. The estate’s management also implements some ecology-friendly policies with regard to environmental issues, such as the recycling of pulp which is returned to the fields as organic fertilizer, and the recycling of water used during the wet processing. The cultivation is conducted under shade trees, like albizias and gravilleas.

Country: Papua New Guinea
Region: Banz, Western Highlands, Waghi Valley
Farm: Kimel Estate
Altitude: 1.580 masl
See fact sheet


This coffee has a round acidity, full and round body and flavors of stone fruits and berries.

Stone Fruits Berry
Variety: Blue Mountain, Arusha, Catimor, Caturra, Mundo Novo, Typica
Processing: sun-dried, washed
Body: Full, Round
Acidity: Round