Tabi coffee was developed in Colombia by Cenicafé (the National Coffee Research Center) in 2002It is a hybrid created by crossing three coffeevarieties: Typica, Bourbon, and Timor Hybrid.The goal was to combine the high quality ofTypica and Bourbon with the diseaseresistance of the Timor Hybrid.
Beautifully encapsulates a variety of berryflavor within a fruit – forward coffee profile,evoking a diverse and hamoniousensemble of fruity notes.The art of producing a great fruit – forwardcoffee lies in achieving a balanced flavorprofile. While the fruitiness is the highlight, itis harmoniously balanced with sweetness,body and clean finish. This is the mark ofskilled coffee processing.
Detailed Process:
The Tabi variety is harvested using a different protocol. Cherries are not harvested at their optimum ripening point, but in semi-ripe stage, so that the oxidation process does not generate intense femented flavors. The cherries are floated – washed with alcohol 85%) elominating impurities.
Submerged fermentation for 12 hours in cherryin plastic bags. An oxidation process follows for 24 hours in tanks.Depulp and anaerobic fermentation withmucilage during 48 hours.
Coffee fact sheet
Colombia Las Flores Tabi
Variety: | Timor, Bourbon, Typical |
Processing: | Fully Washed, Sonnengetrocknet |
Grade: | Excelso EP |
Body: | Cremig, Sanft, Well Balanced |
Acidity: | Lively, Saftig, Zitrushaltig |