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Ein Kaffee mit rundem Körper und delikater Säure. Aromen von Eukalyptus.
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This coffee has a light acidity, soft and smooth body and floral flavors as well as cinnamon, ginger, and citrus.
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This coffee has a malic acidity, velvet body and notes of stone fruits and eucalyptus.
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A well-balanced coffee with citric, malic acidity and flavors of red and tropical fruits, lemon, chocolate and orange.
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This coffee has a pleasant malic acidity, a medium and balanced round body and hints of stone fruits.
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This coffee has a malic acidity, velvet body, notes of red berries and biscuit with lemony character.
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This coffee has a round acidity, full and round body and flavors of stone fruits and berries.
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Ein weicher, runder Körper und eine Zitronensäure. Aromen von Früchten und Kräutern.
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This coffee has a decent acidity in good balance with sweetness, a smooth body and flavors of berries and oak.
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This coffee has a decent acidity in good balance with sweetness, a smooth body and flavors of berries and oak.
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This coffee has a decent acidity in good balance with sweetness, a smooth body and flavors of honey and blueberries.
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This coffee has a decent acidity in good balance with sweetness, a smooth body and flavors of berries and oak.