Ruanda Abateraninkunga Ba Sholi


Abateraninkunga Ba Sholi (Sholi) is a 1st grade cooperative group based in the Sholi sector of Muhanga district in central Rwanda. It was set up on 2008 by 30 women in the region, who united to commercialize their coffee and invigorate the local coffee market. The organization’s name ‘Abateraninkunga’ means ‘mutual assistance’ in the local Kinyarwanda language. After a few years men were admitted into the previously female-only cooperative. The name was changed to ‘Abateraninkunga Ba Sholi’ to reflect this. There are now 334 producers in the cooperative. Women make up 42% of the membership. Sholi is located at very high altitude and gets plentiful rainfall. This combines with fertile soil and a temperate climate, which makes the area ideal for producing high quality coffees. The group won the Rwandan Cup of Excellence Award in 2014 and 2015. 

Land: Ruanda
Region: Muganga District, Southern Province
Farm Größe: 0.35 ha per smallholder on average (106 ha in total)
Höhenlage: 1.800-2.000 masl
Kooperative: Abateraninkunga Ba Sholi
See fact sheet


Sholi coffees have a very deep citric acidity, shining with ruby red grapefruit and juicy blood orange. Additional layers of mango, orange and black currant are balanced by honey and a finish with lavender.

Tropische Früchte
Variety: Bourbon
Processing: Gepulpt, Gewaschen, Hand-gepflückt, Sonnengetrocknet
Body: Saftig, Sanft
Acidity: Zitrushaltig
Cupping Score: 86
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