For the pretentious gourmet one of the most extraordinary coffees in the world comes from the Galápagos Islands. Famous for their unique animal world they are located 1000 km away from the west coast of South America, situated in the Pacific Ocean and belonging to Ecuador since the 19th century. In 1879 a certain Manuel J. Cobos planted together with French agronomists coffee on the island Chatham, the present San Cristóbal, for the first time. They were Arabica plants of the Bourbon type, which had been imported from the French colonies before. It is almost unbelievable that these coffee trees, which had been planted approximately 120 years ago, still produce excellent coffee beans today. Usually coffee bushes have a span of life of 30 to 40 years. Today about 6000 bags of coffee, of which 3000 come from the island San Cristóbal, are produced on the Galápagos Islands. Due to the cold Humboldt stream, coming from the Antarctica, the climate is moderate oceanic and brings tropical rain to the southern hillsides of the islands between January and May. The coffee trees grow on relatively young and nutritious volcanic soil. The completely intact ecosystem and the unique micro climate – any kind of employment of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and chemical fertilizer is forbidden – allows the production of excellent biological coffee. Galápagos coffee grows under shade trees (like avocados, guavas, and oranges). Only organic substances, which occur naturally, are used to dung. All these factors make this “Island Coffee” that unique.