Carolina Padilla’s CaroPa’s Coffee Selection is a third-generation family-run coffee plantation with roots in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec region of Tacuba, Ahuachapán, El Salvador. The family began cultivating coffee in the early 1920s. After inheriting the farms following her father’s passing in 2010, Carolina has embraced her historical roots, combining traditional practices with modern methods to ensure top-tier coffee production.
The farm specializes in boutique lots of natural, honey, and washed processed Bourbon variety coffees. The farm is divided by the Rio Chilama, a creek that serves as a water reservoir for the surrounding community. It provides year-round employment for 5–10 families, with 25–80 seasonal workers depending on farm activities. The name “Palin” originates from the Mapuche people, meaning a social gathering, reflecting the role of coffee in fostering community and culture.
The farm produces primarily Bourbon coffee, with experiments in Pacamara at higher altitudes and Marsellesa and Icatu at lower elevations. Harvesting is highly selective, focusing on optimally ripe cherries. Coffee is processed at a wet mill in town, sundried on African beds, and delivered to a third-party dry mill 30 km away for final preparation. Washed and honey coffees are dried for at least 21 days, while natural coffees dry for around 30 days.