Climate: The Kochere area benefits from a favorable climate with ample rainfall and mild temperatures, creating ideal conditions for coffee cultivation. The fertile, volcanic soils of the region further contribute to the unique flavor profile of Kochere coffee.
Grading: Ethiopian coffees are graded based on their quality, with Grade 1 being the highest. Grade 2 coffees are also of very high quality, with minimal defects and a well-developed flavor profile. Yirgacheffe Gr.2 Kochere is often considered nearly as good as Grade 1, with a slightly less intense but still highly refined flavor profile.
Processing Method: Washed (Wet-Processed): Yirgacheffe Gr.2 Kochere is typically washed, which is the traditional processing method in the Yirgacheffe region. In this process, the coffee cherries are de-pulped, fermented to remove the mucilage, washed, and then dried on raised beds. The washed processing method accentuates the coffee’s clarity, bright acidity, and clean flavors.