Menagold coffee flows from “Hutapaung” and “Ria Ria,” coffee-producing areas in Dolok Sanggul district of North Sumatra. Through years of close cooperation between smallholder farmers with PT Musfaha Niaga Mandiri, the process from upcountry to roaster workshop is meticulously analyzed to put quality first. Ripe, red cherries are selectively picked, sorted, wet-hulled, and dried at the mill and delivered to Medan for further processing. Over 323 farmers under farmers groups working closely and exclusively with PT Musfaha Niaga Mandiri, specializing in making high-end quality Sumatra Arabica, “wild “cup, and “greenish-blue “color.
To pay homage to the company history and the origin of the worlds most sought coffee, the brand name “Mena” is used as an abbreviation of “Medan-Aceh” In contrast, Gold is to highlight the exotic quality Menagold strives to offer.