Fazenda Dutra is a family run and owned coffee farm in São João do Manhuaçu, 300 kilometers inland from the east cost of Brazil. In the 1950s, Jose Dutra Sobrinho inherited a 1-hectare coffee farm that he worked and developed for more than 40 years. He embraced the 1986 price crisis as a moment to “work even harder” and intensify his passion for coffee, and he continued to purchase land and expand the farm. In September 1999, Jose passed away and left the farm to his sons Walter Cesar Dutra and Ednilson Alves Dutra, who take very seriously their responsibility to their family and their father’s legacy. They have invested in their coffee education, including attending Illy’s Coffee University, and equipped with new knowledge they have participated in competitions, won more than 80 prizes and continue to improve the quality of their coffee. Fazenda Dutra´s coffee trees are interwoven with avocado trees, and the remaining acreage is both preserved native forest and cultivated eucalyptus, which is used during the harvest period and in drying machines. The farm has 50 full-time employees, employs an additional 250 workers in the off season and provides 600 jobs during the harvest period. The full-time team includes Leonardo Rodrigues, a Q Grader in charge of the farm’s Quality program.
Coffee fact sheet

Brazil Fazenda Dutra
Farm Coffee
This coffee has a smooth body, citric acidity and flavors of chocolate and caramel.
Variety: | Catucaí 2SL, Garnica, IBC12 Uva, India Selections 795, Oeiras, Red Catucai, Yellow Pacamara, Catiguá, Geisha, Kent, Maragogype, Red Bourbon, Red Pacamara, Yellow Catucai, Red Catuai, Yellow Catuaí, Yellow Bourbon |
Processing: | natural |
Grade: | 14 up, NY 2/3 |
Body: | Smooth |
Acidity: | Citric |