Kenya Kabare Konyu

Cooperative Coffee, Microlot

The Kabare Farmer’s Cooperative Society represents approximately 800 farmers in the Kirinyaga District, on the southern slope of Mt. Kenya’s western side. In the language of the Kikuyu ethnic group, who live on the southern and western sides of the mountain, Kirinyaga means “God’s resting place.” Many of the groups that live on the mountain consider it to be sacred and build their homes with the door facing toward its snowy peak. The Konyu factory is named after the stream that runs by the factory and provides the water for coffee processing. Coffee is grown in the area’s mineral-rich volcanic soil, and red cherry is delivered to the wet mill for processing. It’s washed in fresh river water and dried in the sun on raised beds.

Country: Kenya
Region: Kirinyaga
Farm: 1.183 farmers
Altitude: 1.800 masl
Washing Station: Konyu
Cooperative: Kabare Farmer’s Cooperative Society
See fact sheet


This coffee has a bright, sparkling acidity, a full, smooth body and flavors of rhubarb, herbs and tomatos.

Tomato Herbal Rhubarb
Variety: Batian, Ruiru 11, SL 28, SL 34
Processing: washed
Grade: AA, AB
Body: Full
Acidity: Citric
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