Mexico Siltepec El Jaguar

Regional Coffee

This coffee comes from a group of small producers. Siltepec is a strictly high grown coffee. Harvested and processed by small producers under traditional farming methods, shade grown coffee, craft de-pupled, fermented, washed and sun dried.

The plantations are located near The Biosphere Reserve El Triunfo. In 1972 was named as a “Natural area” in Chiapas State, to preserve the “quetzal” special bird that only lives in this place. In 1990, it became a federal “protected area” with an extension of 119 thousand 177 hectares. The Biosphere Reserve El Triunfo host 11 of the 18 recognized vegetation types in Chiapas; there are been identified about 1.500 spcies of plants, but maybe this number can grow to 3.000 because of the flora of all Chiapas territory.

More about Siltepec El Jaguar:

Country: Mexico
Region: Sierra Madre
Farm Size: 177 ha
Altitude: 1.110 - 1.250 masl
See fact sheet


Lemongrass, brown sugar and caramel flavors
Brown Sugar Caramel Lemongrass Vanilla
Variety: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra
Processing: sun-dried, washed
Crop: 2017