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This coffee has a creamy body, a bright, juicy aciditiy, a cocoa aroma and spicy, berry notes. -
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This coffee has a full and round body, a citric acidity and flavors of juicy stone fruits. -
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Ein Kaffee mit runder Säure und mittlerer Süße. Ein weicher und saftiger Körper mit Aromen von Steinfrüchten, Beeren und tropischen Nuancen. -
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A well-balanced and complex body with flavors of berry and wine. -
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This coffee has a round cup with sweetish Kenyan flavour, coming with a medium body and a medium acidity. -
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Dieser Kaffee hat eine runde Tasse mit süßlichem kenianischem Geschmack, mittlerem Körper und mittlerem Säuregehalt. -
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This coffee has a sweet, full and velvet body with hints of berries and stone fruit. -
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This coffee has a highlighting acidity, a round body, and flavors of stone fruits and berries. -
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This coffee has a round acidity, full and round body and flavors of stone fruits and berries. -
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A cup with an elegant acidity and high sweetness. A smooth body and notes of biscuit, berries and green apple.