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Ein Kaffee mit runder Säure und mittlerer Süße. Ein weicher und saftiger Körper mit Aromen von Steinfrüchten, Beeren und tropischen Nuancen.
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Dieser Kaffee hat eine feine Säure, einen glatten Körper und Aromen von schwarzem Tee, Zitrusfrüchten und blumiger Note.
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This coffee has an elegant acidity, with a medium sweetness and a juicy body. Flavours of tropical lychee.
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This coffee has a decent acidity in good balance with sweetness, a smooth body and flavors of berries and oak.
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Ein Kaffee mit Säure und einem glatten und runden Körper. Aromen von tropischen Früchten und Schokolade.
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Flavors of chocolate, nut, and tropical fruit. A citric acidity, and a smooth body.
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This coffee has a high sweetness, a juicy body and flavors of tropical fruits and chocolate.
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This coffee has a pleasant acidity, a good sweetness, a silky and round body and flavors of grapes, berries and tropical fruits.
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This coffee has a smooth body, a citric acidity and flavors of chocolate and tropical fruits.
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A well-balanced coffee with citric, malic acidity and flavors of red and tropical fruits, lemon, chocolate and orange.
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Sholi coffees have a very deep citric acidity, shining with ruby red grapefruit and juicy blood orange. Additional layers of mango, orange and black currant are balanced by honey and a finish with lavender.
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Ein Kaffee mit anständigen Säure und hoher Süße, cremigem Körper und Aromen von reifen tropischen Früchten.
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Blueberry, cacao and tropical fruits