Costa Rica Palmichal El Cedral

Farm Kaffee

“El Cedral” is the name that Sacarias Valverde chose for this farm 4 generations ago. “El Cedral” stands for the Ceder Tree, which is a widely used within the coffee fields of this farm for it’s benefits in the cultivation of high quality Coffee. Besides being the name of the farm, “El Cedral” is also the name of the sub-region where the farm sits above 1,700 masl. Besides experienced coffee practices and a blessed location for quality, the cup complexity for this coffee is enhanced with a Black Honey process.

Land: Costa Rica
Region: Tarrazu
Farm: El Cedral
Höhenlage: 1.700 masl
See fact sheet


This coffee has a high sweetness, a tea-like body and flavors of dried fruits, chocolate & rum.

Rum Schokolade Trockenfrüchte
Variety: Catuai Rojo, Caturra
Processing: Gepulpt, Getrocknet
Body: Tea-like
Acidity: Lieblich
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