Honduras Hacienda Montecristo

Farm Kaffee

Honduras Hacienda Montecristo comes from an individual family farm in western Honduras. Hacienda Montecristo has been in the Medina family for over five generations, since 1916. The farm is located 15 kilometers from the provincial capital Santa Rosa de Copan, specifically in the municipality of Veracruz. Here, close to the border of Guatemala, lie the fertile valleys of the Mayan Mountains. In this mild sub-tropical climate, coffee is cultivated as the farm’s main product. Hacienda Montecristo spans 279.52 hectares in total.
At Hacienda Montecristo, coffee is treated as a special jewel. It is carefully grown using environmentally friendly processes, and each bean is monitored in order to receive appropriate milling and drying. To this end, the farm has increased their solar drying area to accommodate greater volumes while maintaining quality control. Moreover, an additional 10.46 hectares of production are represented in their 2021 crop. Looking forward, their goal is to continue this increase in volume annually, all while maintaining the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

Land: Honduras
Region: Western Honduras
Farm: Hacienda Montecristo
See fact sheet


Flavors of chocolate, nut, and tropical fruit. A citric acidity, and a smooth body.

Nuss Schokolade Tropische Früchte
Variety: Anacafe 14, Etiozar, Marcelleza, Amarillo, Catuai, Catuai Rojo, Caturra, Java
Processing: Gewaschen
Body: Sanft
Acidity: Zitrushaltig
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