Colombia Nariño

Regional Coffee

Located in the far south of Colombia, the department of Nariño shares a southern border with Ecuador and is home to thousands of smallholder coffee producing families. Colombia’s three ranges of Andean mountains converge in Nariño, presenting ideal altitudes and fertile soil for high grown Arabica production. Due to its proximity to the equator, coffee can be grown at very high altitudes in the department, and many farms are located on mountainsides of well over 1800 meters above sea level. The small region is a well-respected nucleus of coffee innovation and coffees out of Nariño are known for their fruity and bright flavor profile, with rich acidity.

Country: Colombia
Region: Nariño
Altitude: 1.800-2.000 masl.
See fact sheet


This coffee has a citric acidity, pleasant and full, balanced body. Winey, berries, biscuit flavours.

Variety: Castillo, Colombia
Processing: Fully Washed
Grade: Excelso
Body: Medium to Good
Acidity: Bright, Citric