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This coffee has a bright, juicy aciditiy, a syrupy body and flavors of sweet orange and milk-chocolate.
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A creamy body, flavors of caramel, dark chocolate & berries.
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This coffee has a smooth and rich body, a brilliant acidity and balanced flavors of milk-chocolate.
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A coffee with clean & sweet aromas, chocolate and soft nutty notes, a mild acidity and a full and balanced body.
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This coffee has flavors of milk chocolate, sweet brioche, citrus, buttery and herbal, with a smooth body.
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This coffee has a smooth body, citric acidity, a fruity aftertaste and flavors of chocolate, caramel, and nuts.
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A bright and pleasant cup with smooth, fairly rounded and slightly silky mouthfeel. Diverse in flavours with bright sweetness on the finish.
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This coffee has a creamy body, a bright, juicy aciditiy, a cocoa aroma and spicy, berry notes.
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Flavors of chocolate, nut, and tropical fruit. A citric acidity, and a smooth body.
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Ein weicher, runder Körper mit einer hellen Säure. Aromen von Nüssen, Getreide und einem Hauch von Schokolade.
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This coffee has flavors of dark chocolate and hazelnut.
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This coffee has a lively, complex acidity, a medium to heavy body and flavors of herbs and dark chocolate.
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This coffee has a round body, a sweet, light acidity and flavors of mocca, chocolate and tobacco.
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This coffee has a smooth body, a low acidity and notes of almond, honey, peach and chocolate.
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This coffee has a smooth body, a medium acidity, earthy, peppery notes as well as sweet chocolate flavors.
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A coffee with a very smooth body, a medium acidity and very good chocolaty aroma.
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This coffee has a slightly fruity acidity, intense roasted almonds and milk chocolate, very mellow and well-balanced.
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This coffee has a soft acidity, very mellow and silky, intense notes of milk chocolate and brazil nut, very balanced.
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This cup of coffee has a bright acidity and a smooth, velvety body. Flavours of honey, stone fruits and a hint of chocolate.
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This coffee is lovely balanced, with a medium body, pleasant but not too dominante acidity with full aroma and a chocolaty tone.
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Dieser Kaffee hat eine runde Tasse mit süßlichem kenianischem Geschmack, mittlerem Körper und mittlerem Säuregehalt.
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A coffee with high and citric acidity, a medium, soft body, a sweet aroma with flavors of chocolate.
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This coffee has aromas of a chocolate, vanilla and almond aroma, with a delicate sweetness.
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Dark chocolate, sugar cane and spicy notes
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This coffee has a bright acidity and a smooth body with citrus, chocolate and caramel notes.
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A marvelous view of the mountains of Jinotega and an endless sky with fast moving clouds in a cool breeze are the natural settings in which this first rate coffee is grown in midst of subtropical creeks and hills. It forms a harmonious symbiosis of vanilla with citrus fruit with a distinctly chocolate ending.
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Dieser Kaffee hat eine samtige Textur mit guter Balance und fruchtig-süßem Abgang, roter Fruchtsäure und cremigem Körper, Aromen von Zuckerrohr, Haselnuss und Tamarinde.
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Dieser Kaffee hat einen teeähnlichen Körper, einen mittleren Säuregehalt mit einer hohen Süße und Aromen von Schokolade, Kirsche, Trockenfrüchten und Rum.
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A well-balanced coffee with citric, malic acidity and flavors of red and tropical fruits, lemon, chocolate and orange.
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This coffee has a medium robusta flavor with medium-strong body and notes of bakers chocolate and kumquart.
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This coffee has a full body, a balanced bitterness and sweetness and flavors of chocolate & nuts.
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Eine Tasse mit Apfelsäure, seidigem Körper und Aromen von Beeren und dunkler Schokolade.
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This coffee has a sparkling acidity, a smooth body and flavors of chocolate with hints of stone fruits.
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This coffee has a citric, refreshing acidity, full body, flavors of berries and fruits with chocolaty notes.
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This coffee results in a remarkable and unique mild cup, yet full-bodied and with slight acidity. The aromatic bouquet has hints of spicy cinnamon and dark chocolate, ending with a clean finish.