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Dieser Kaffee hat Aromen von Schokolade, Zitrone, Blume und Kräutern mit einem weichen Körper und heller Säure. -
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Aromen von Bergamotte, Pfirsich und Orangenmarmelade, ein teeähnlicher, aber seidiger Körper. Zart und artikuliert. -
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This sweet and complex coffee has a full body and floral, strawberry, and citrus flavors. -
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This well balanced coffee has a creamy body, malic acidity, and a clean aftertaste with flavors of milk chocolate, caramel, red apple, and cherry. -
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Dieser elegante Kaffee hat einen teeähnlichen Körper, Apfelsäure und einen saftigen Körper mit Aromen von Beeren, schwarzem Tee und getrockneten Früchten. -
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Nice and pleasant acidity, balanced cup character, and fine bittersweet chocolate notes. -
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Blueberry, cacao and tropical fruits -
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A coffee with citric acidity, a smooth body and fruity flavors of stone fruits. -
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Bright and persistent acidity. Aromatic with a defined body. Flavors of apricot, blueberry, swiss chocolate and toffee. -
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This coffee has a bright, juicy aciditiy, a syrupy body and flavors of sweet orange and milk-chocolate. -
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A coffee with a round and full body, sharp and crisp acidity, a floral aroma and flavors of citric fruits.