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Dieser Kaffee hat eine samtige Textur mit guter Balance und fruchtig-süßem Abgang, roter Fruchtsäure und cremigem Körper, Aromen von Zuckerrohr, Haselnuss und Tamarinde. -
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This coffee has a strong body, a medium acidity with a medium sweetness and flavors of chocolate. -
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Dieser Kaffee hat einen saftigen, samtigen Körper, eine frische, apfelsäurehaltige Säure mit mittlerer Süße und blumigen, zitrischen Noten. -
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Dieser Kaffee hat einen teeähnlichen Körper, einen mittleren Säuregehalt mit einer hohen Süße und Aromen von Schokolade, Kirsche, Trockenfrüchten und Rum. -
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Eine cremige Tasse mit mittlerem Säuregehalt und Noten von Schokolade, Karamell und Zitrusfrüchten. -
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Dieser Kaffee hat eine zitronige Säure, einen weichen Körper und Aromen von Steinfrüchten. -
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A coffee with thin acidity, a mild aroma and flavors of vanilla and malt. -
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This coffee has a malic acidity, velvet body and notes of stone fruits and eucalyptus. -
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A well-balanced coffee with citric, malic acidity and flavors of red and tropical fruits, lemon, chocolate and orange. -
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This coffee has a pleasant malic acidity, a medium and balanced round body and hints of stone fruits. -
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This coffee has a malic acidity, velvet body, notes of red berries and biscuit with lemony character. -
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Sholi coffees have a very deep citric acidity, shining with ruby red grapefruit and juicy blood orange. Additional layers of mango, orange and black currant are balanced by honey and a finish with lavender. -
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This coffee has a round acidity, full and round body and flavors of stone fruits and berries. -
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Ein weicher, runder Körper und eine Zitronensäure. Aromen von Früchten und Kräutern.
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A well-balanced coffee, medium acidity and a sweet aftertaste. -
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A well-balanced coffee, a medium acidity, smooth body and sweet aftertaste. -
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A cup with an elegant acidity and high sweetness. A smooth body and notes of biscuit, berries and green apple. -
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A cup with a high sweetness and a background acidity. An intense body and notes of dried fruits and hints of berries. -
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A cup with a malic acidity and a smooth and round body. Notes of black-tea, citrus and hints of berries. -
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A fruity cup with notes of some lemon and berries, with a vibrant acidity and a tea-like body. -
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A smooth body, a good acidity and flavors of berries and milk chocolate. -
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This coffee has a medium robusta flavor with medium-strong body and notes of bakers chocolate and kumquart. -
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A coffee with meloni acidity, a smooth body and flavors of litschi and stone fruits. -
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A coffee with full body and a light citric acidity.