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This is a sweet coffee with a juicy body and flavors of chocolate and nuts.
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This coffee has a pleasant malic acidity, a medium and balanced round body and hints of stone fruits.
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Dieser Kaffee hat eine zitronige Säure, einen weichen Körper und Aromen von Steinfrüchten.
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This coffee has a highlighting acidity, a round body, and flavors of stone fruits and berries.
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This coffee has a malic acidity, velvet body and notes of stone fruits and eucalyptus.
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Ein Kaffee mit weicher Zitronensäure, sehr intensievem Körper, überzogenem Mundgefühl, abgerundeter Tasse. Steinobst dominiert, mit Zitrone und einem Hauch von Jasmin.
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This coffee has a round acidity, full and round body and flavors of stone fruits and berries.
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This coffee has a citric acidity, high sweetness, a smooth body and flavors of stone fruits.
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This coffee has a sparkling and citric acidity and is balanced with flavors of stone fruits.
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This coffee has a lingering acidity, a velvet body and flavors of stone fruits and plum.
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A coffee with meloni acidity, a smooth body and flavors of litschi and stone fruits.
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This coffee has a sweet, full and velvet body with hints of berries and stone fruit.
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A coffee with citric acidity, a smooth body and fruity flavors of stone fruits.
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This coffee has a smooth and rich body, a brilliant acidity and balanced flavors of milk-chocolate.
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Ein Kaffee mit Zitronensäure, einem saftigen Körper und Aromen von Steinfrüchten und Schokolade.
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This coffee has a citric acidty, an intense body and flavors of stone fruits.
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This coffee has a sparkling acidity, a smooth body and flavors of chocolate with hints of stone fruits.
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This coffee has a juicy body, citric acidity and flavors of stone fruits.
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This cup of coffee has a bright acidity and a smooth, velvety body. Flavours of honey, stone fruits and a hint of chocolate.
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This coffee has a full body and flavors of blueberry, stone fruits and honeydew.
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Ein Kaffee mit hoher Süße im hellen, eleganten Säuregehalt und inem sirupartigen Körper. Aromen von reifen Trauben, Datteln und anderen Steinfrüchten.
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Eine angenehme und elegante Säure, voller und intensiver Körper, Aromen von dunklen Beeren und Steinobst.
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A cup of coffee with a velvety body, round acidity and flavours of peach, apples and other stone fruits.
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Well-balanced cups with a bright acidity, citrus, full-bodied robustness and a consistent, pleasant aftertaste.
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This coffee has a full and round body, a citric acidity and flavors of juicy stone fruits.
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Ein Kaffee mit runder Säure und mittlerer Süße. Ein weicher und saftiger Körper mit Aromen von Steinfrüchten, Beeren und tropischen Nuancen.
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Stone fruits, sugar cane and apple flavors